Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme is being further enhanced to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks, developed following national and international research and seen as the gold standard in careers provision.
Click on the images below for more information
Our aim is to support all of our students to explore the many career options available to them, and to equip them with the key skills, adaptability and resilience they need to embrace future opportunities. Follow the links on the right for more information.
Staff responsibilities
The school’s Careers Programme is overseen by our Careers Lead (Mr McCreesh) and our Careers Coordinator (Mr Barry).
- Support is provided by the Greater Manchester Careers and Enterprise Advisor Network, which appoints Enterprise Coordinators and Advisors from local industry to link the school with local employers.
- We are also supported by the Stockport Careers Officer, Ms McGowan, who holds individual interviews with Year 11 pupils.
- Personal Development staff and Form Tutors deliver Careers lessons.